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Land speculators and tax deduction hacks

Phil Hodgen
Attorney, Principal
Welcome again to the Friday Edition. This week I will look at tax deductions for nonresidents who buy and hold land in the United States.It's easy to get off the mailing list: just click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. I won't be offended. On the other hand, if you want even more of this stuff, you can sign up for one of our other mailing lists – on expatriation, announcing our free monthly International Tax Lunches, or our “PFICS Only”.
Shameless promotion number 1 - CalCPA webcasts
We do tons of real estate transactions for nonresident investors in U.S. real estate. It is fun stuff.We will be doing four hours of webcasts for the California Society of Certified Public Accountants in July – specifically on the topic of foreign investment in U.S. real estate: acquisition strategies, taxation of investments during ownership and when you sell, and creative use of debt financing to reduce your U.S. income tax.More information will be coming on this, but you should sign up.Shameless promotion number 2 - PFIC newsletter
Debra Rudd, CPA of our firm has launched a new weekly email newsletter, titled “PFICS Only”. Surprisingly, the only topic covered in this email newsletter is … PFICs.If you know and love (or dread) Passive Foreign Investment Companies, you should sign up. Every Thursday at 6 am Pacific time – that is when she sends it out.This week: land speculators and tax deductions
If you buy empty land and simply hold it, you will have some operating expenses. There will be annual property taxes. Maybe you will have some liability insurance to protect you from risk. If you borrowed money to buy the land, you will be paying interest on that loan.These are direct expenses associated with your investment. Is it possible to reduce your U.S. tax bill when you sell the land by claiming these expenses as tax deductions?Short answer: no.Why ownership expenses cannot be tax deductible
Expenses on ownership of raw land cannot be deducted by nonresident investors, and the reason why is found in the basic metaphysics of U.S. tax law.Two ways nonresidents are taxed
Nonresidents are taxed in the United States in one of two ways:- If a nonresident is “engaged in business” in the United States, then all business expenses can be used to reduce taxable income, and therefore reduce income tax.
- If a nonresident is NOT “engaged in business” in the United States, then income earned in the United States is taxed at a flat 30% of the income received. Expenses do not reduce the amount of income that is taxed.
This is an investment activity, not “doing business”
Someone who simply buys land and holds it … is that person “engaged in business”? No. To be engaged in business means that there are transactions. You are doing things. Buying an asset and sitting on it is investment activity, not operating a business.The expenses of owning raw land, and holding it with the hope of increase in value are real expenses. But they are investment expenses, not expenses associated with conducting business activities in the United States.Expenses for investment activities are not deductible
Nonresidents cannot deduct their expenses for buying and holding investment assets (like land). It is a simple syllogism:- If A, then B
- Not A
- Therefore, not B
- If a nonresident is engaged in business in the United States, then business expenses are deductible in computing U.S. income tax.
- A nonresident who passively holds land as an investment is not engaged in business in the United States.
- Therefore, the nonresident cannot deduct business expenses associated with holding the land for investment.
You cannot capitalize the expenses, either
There is another way that expenses are sometimes handled for tax purposes. Rather than take a tax deduction every year, you simply treat the expenses as part of the acquisition cost of the asset. If you bought an asset for $100 and you spent $15 in associated expenses, you treat your total investment in the asset (“basis” is the jargon used in U.S. tax law) as $115.Accountants call this “capitalizing” an expense.Sadly, the nonresident land investor cannot do that. In order to be able to capitalize an expense associated with an asset, the expense must be tax deductible. And we have seen that the expenses associated with a nonresident holding land as a long term investment cannot be taken as tax deductions.Hacks and workarounds
This is not good. We want to get a tax deduction for these expenses. How do you do this? Here are your workarounds.Be a domestic taxpayer
This limitation does not apply to domestic taxpayers. The solution: the nonresident investor forms a holding company that is a U.S. taxpayer. A common solution: the land is owned by a U.S. corporation. The nonresident investor is (usually indirectly rather than directly) the owner of the U.S. corporation.Now the expenses of owning the land prior to sale will be deductible. The corporation can take income tax deductions every year or can add the ownership expenses to the “basis” (total investment) that the owner has in the property. Later, when the land is sold, the taxable profit will be the difference between the sale price and the total investment in the property.ExampleThe land is bought for $1,000 and held by a U.S. corporation. Over the years, various expenses (property taxes, insurance) of $300 are incurred. These costs are added to basis for the land, so the total investment by the owner is $1,300 in the land.The land is then sold for $1,500.The taxable profit (capital gain) is $200.Compare this to direct ownership by the nonresident:
ExampleThe land is bought for $1,000 and held by the nonresident directly. Over the years, various expenses (property taxes, insurance) of $300 are incurred. These expenses cannot be deducted for tax purposes, so they cannot be added to the basis of the land. The nonresident's total investment in the land is $1,000.The land is then sold for $1,500.The taxable profit (capital gain) is $500.