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- US Tax Filings
PostedNew foreign trust tax rules, Part 7 - more paperwork

Phil Hodgen
Attorney, Principal
This is the seventh episode in this saga, in which I summarize the latest development in U.S. tax law as they apply to foreign trusts. The previous episodes are here: Here is where to find the earlier stuff: Part 1 - Overview, Part 2 - Using Trust Property For Free, Part 3 - expanding the grantor trust rules, Part 4 - new presumptions for discretionary trusts, Part 5 - Letters of Wishes are useless, Part 6 - all foreign trusts have U.S. beneficiaries.With this change, Congress just handed the IRS the keys to the car: "demand all of the information for a foreign trust that you want."
What the HIRE Act says
The new law gives specific authority to the Secretary of the Treasury (his/her minions are the ones who actually write the regulations 'n stuff) to write regulations which extract more information from taxpayers. Here's the text of the HIRE Act:SEC. 534. REPORTING REQUIREMENT OF UNITED STATES OWNERS OF FOREIGN TRUSTS.(a) In General - Paragraph (1) of section 6048(b) is amended by inserting ‘shall submit such information as the Secretary may prescribe with respect to such trust for such year and’ before ‘shall be responsible to ensure’.(b) Effective Date - The amendment made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.