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US Tax Filings

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The IRS adds two more FAQs to its FAQs

Portrait of Phil Hodgen

Phil Hodgen

Attorney, Principal


The IRS has added two more questions and answers to the Voluntary Disclosure Program FAQs on its website. They were added January 8, 2010.Here are the questions for your reading pleasure. There is a quiz at the end of class today.
Questions and answers 53 and 54 were added January 8, 2010.Q 53. I am an actual or former UBS AG client who submitted a voluntary disclosure application to the IRS. I would like to expedite submission of my UBS AG account information to the IRS by providing a waiver directly to UBS AG. How does this work?A53. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE SWISS CONFEDERATION ENTERED INTO AN AGREEMENT ON AUGUST 19, 2009, CONCERNING THE REQUEST FOR INFORMATION FROM THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES (“IRS”) REGARDING UBS AG, A CORPORATION ESTABLISHED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE SWISS CONFEDERATION (“UBS AG”). SECTION 1.4 OF THAT AGREEMENT PROVIDES THAT THE IRS WILL PROMPTLY REQUEST ALL UBS AG CLIENTS WHO ENTER INTO THE VOLUNTARY DISCLOSURE PROGRAM ON OR AFTER AUGUST 19, 2009, TO GIVE A WAIVER TO UBS AG TO PROVIDE ACCOUNT DOCUMENTATION TO THE IRS. SUCH A WAIVER WILL EXPEDITE THE DELIVERY OF RELEVANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION TO THE IRS. [Yes, the IRS did indeed put all of that in block capital letters. Yes, they are shouting at you.]If you are an actual or former UBS AG client, we are requesting that you give a waiver to UBS AG to provide your UBS AG account information to the IRS.Should you have any questions regarding how to provide a waiver to UBS AG, you may consult the UBS AG website at www.ubs.com, or call UBS AG at +41 44 237 56 10.Q 54. I have applied to the offshore voluntary disclosure program and would like to make a payment to stop the running of interest. Where should I send my payment to make sure it is processed properly?A54. You can make an advance payment on the amount you expect to owe as a result of a voluntary disclosure by sending your check annotated in the note section of your check with your social security number and “advance payment on deficiency-VDP” to the following address: Internal Revenue Service Voluntary Disclosure Program PO Box 934 Austin, TX 78767-0934.Later, when you and the IRS enter into a closing agreement, the IRS will apply the payment to the appropriate taxes and periods.